July 28, 2013 - Just a quick post today. Had to do "yard work" today - UGH! So, alas, no time to go birding. I realize I could...


RBS - Blog Happenings and a Surprise Lifer - #206

July 28, 2013 -

Just a quick post today. Had to do "yard work" today - UGH! So, alas, no time to go birding. I realize I could've gotten out of bed at 6:30 AM and done a little birding before starting my chores, but who really wants to get up that early on a Sunday?

So, one of my chores today was to clean out the garage. This, obviously, requires getting the cars out of the garage.

As I backed my car into the drive way I see two hawks dueling it out overhead. Since I always leave my camera in the car I snatched it up, turned it on and fired off a couple of quick shots.

One was a Red-Tailed Hawk. The other was #206 - Broad-Winged Hawk.

Most of you reading this have probably seen this bird a number of times, but this was a first for me. And it is always a thrill to notch a new lifer from the yard.

Later this week the blog should be very active. We have a guest post from photographer Joseph Cala on ETTR/BTTR (JoeJr to you whatbird.com folks); A wonderful interview with birder photographer Michael World (canukguyinadarkroom/Canon EOS); and a review of the latest BirdsEyeNA app form BirdsEye Birding!

Plus my scope and Better Beamer should arrive tomorrow - New toys!!!

Have a great week, and Happy Birding!

- Chris

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1 comment:

  1. "Since I always leave my camera in the car"............
    That's what I do, 90% of the time. Ready to shoot!
    Congrats on the Hawk!


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