About Us
We are the Rogue Birders.
A group of like-minded birders seeking to promote the support of animal rehabilitation, banding research, and the encouragement of youth involvement in the sport.
March 31, 2015 - Madness? This is… Ohio!(?) Ok, perhaps comparing finally getting my 300th Ohio State bird to the Spartan’s stand aga...
Eastern Whip-poor-will - One that got away in 2014 |
#298 - Golden Eagle (Really need a better photo!) |
#299 - Hoary Redpoll |
Ohio Bird #300 - Bohemian Waxwing |
#300 - Bohemian Waxwing |
#301 - Fish Crow (Obviously, it's on a wire. ha ha) |
We are the Rogue Birders.
A group of like-minded birders seeking to promote the support of animal rehabilitation, banding research, and the encouragement of youth involvement in the sport.