August 13, 2015 - It was Wednesday, August 12th and I was just about to enjoy lunch with Sarah Lucas when I received a message on my pho...


RBS - The Chase is On - by Jeremy Dominguez

August 13, 2015 -

It was Wednesday, August 12th and I was just about to enjoy lunch with Sarah Lucas when I received a message on my phone, “PIPING PLOVER AT CONNEAUT.” Lunch was over - I quickly grabbed my Binoculars and my camera and I was off!!!

Conneaut is clear over on the opposite side of Ohio; 4 hours and 20 minutes away, to be exact. As soon as I was in the car I sent Doreen Linzell a text to see if she and Dan Sanders would be going to see this bird as well. She replied that she couldn’t make it but Dan and Leslie Sours were just about to head up there. I was hoping to meet up with Dan and Leslie before they left but no such luck. I had to make the whole drive by myself.

I pulled up to the Conneaut sandspit at about 5pm, walked to the half mile to the beach area, and had a beautiful Piping Plover staked out for me by Bob and Denise Lane! Dan and Leslie were already there looking at the bird. The bird was stunning. Easily picked out from the few other shorebirds that were there. The Piping Plover walked within ten feet of Leslie and I at one point, providing great photo opportunities.

Leslie and I are both doing a “Big Ohio Year” this year. The Piping Plover brings my Ohio year total to 287 and Leslie’s to 284. It was a great day! The weather was perfect and I could have watched the Piping Plover until the sunset. Other birds present were Common Mergansers, Bald Eagles, Semipalmated Plover, Lesser Yellowlegs, Greater Yellowlegs, Sharp-shinned Hawk, and Least Sandpiper.

Chases are always fun - full of excitement and anxiety. I was really happy to see this bird and have such a successful chase. Thanks to Sally Isaaco for getting the word out so quickly.

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