Jacob and Greg are planning to attempt the Ohio January 100 in 3 DAYS!! This time it is a fundraiser! Benefitting The Ohio Young Birders ...

January 100 Fundraiser

Jacob and Greg are planning to attempt the Ohio January 100 in 3 DAYS!! This time it is a fundraiser! Benefitting The Ohio Young Birders Club - In partnership with Black Swamp Bird Observatory and The Ohio Ornithological Society​
January 100 Fundraiser

As we approach the holiday season and enter the final month of 2016, it can only mean one thing... January 2017 is right around the corner!! A new year brings excitement, hope, new goals and projects, a fresh start, and most importantly, a reset of your Year List!

Here in Ohio, birders participate in the "January 100". A sometimes grueling - always cold - endeavor to see 100 different species of birds in the state in just the mere 31 days of January. Last year, Greg Sagasser and Jacob Roalef came up with the crazy idea to try to see or hear 100 Ohio species by the end of the day on January 3rd.... That's right, just 3 days!!

Jacob and Greg at 11:47 PM on 1/3/15
#100 - Eastern Screech-Owl

This year they plan to do it again as a fundraiser for the Black Swamp Bird Observatory's Ohio Young Birders Club (OYBC). They will be making frequent posts and videos and updates and everything in between so that you can experience this whirlwind adventure without having to suffer through the cold! But if you want to come out and join in the fun we will be posting updates on their destinations and you can join them - and maybe some other Rogue Birders - in their pursuit of 100!

Get excited for 2017 everyone - it's almost here! Any and all help during this 3 day marathon of birding is appreciated and welcomed! We encourage everyone to get out there and bird this January, set goals and work hard to achieve them. Donate and help the birding community in Ohio if you can, but most importantly, have fun and enjoy the birds! We look forward to seeing and hearing from you all!

Donations can be made by clicking the link below:

To donate a pledge amount per bird, or for mail in donations, please use the form located here.

Please note: Jan100 when donating.

For any questions, please email us at donate@roguebirders.com

For more information on the Ohio Young Birders Club, visit their website at www.ohioyoungbirders.org/

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